Fifties recipies


In one of my classes “Media and Power: the history of the modern era” we just finished the simulation that went with the paper I discussed last week. Basically my class and I simulated a panel discussion on whether the atomic bomb should be used on Japan. Anyway my prof brought up another project we are going to do this year, which will be getting together and making a meal based totally on food that was popular in the 40’s and 50’s. He mentioned such delicacies as Twinkies suspended in jello and the wonders of such drinks as the atomic cocktail. Because we can’t have alcoholic beverages at the meal due to college procedure and the realitive young age of the class I decided to find some “fun” fifties alternatives and came up with this.

I came across a version of this ad in the book "The 100 Greates Advertisements" This version came from Life magazine in the 70's but the original idea was in the 50's.

I am really looking forward to the dinner, even though most of the food looks kinda-gross. Anyway if anyone has old recipes from the 40’s and 50’s I’d love to get some. I have to choose something to make and I don’t think I want to go with something traditionally thought of as coming from the 50’s such as this jello salad.

I will never understand the 50's and 60's generations love of mixing anything and everything with jello.

And so you all have something a little less stomach turning here is a picture of my grandparents in all their 50’s regalia.

I don't know when this was taken. I'll assume sometime in the 50's because my mother was born in '61 and she was the youngest of 7.