End of an Era

As Eli mentioned her college I suppose that I will have to talk about my own. Although I am transferring to Eau Clair at the end of this year, it is not because I dislike this campus outright. I attend Dordt, a small Christan College in Iowa. Personally it is a wonderful place to be, but I need to be closer to my family and cannot afford the cost of a private education. Also if I plan on having a smooth transition from undergrad to graduate school I would like to do so within the state university system. Anyway I have some beautiful pictures of Dordt’s campus ( It is named after the cannons of Dordt which came out of the synod of Dord. It has something to do with reformed theology which I have never bothered to research in depth.) All of these pictures are credited to unknown Dordt students and faculty that have decent camera’s. (and yes I will complain for a while until I gain access to something that doesn’t take facebook only quality pic’s)

Sunsets, the only reason I accept the treelessness of Iowa.

Like most college's there is heavy landscaping, however; it sticks to the natural grasses and plants that grow in the area.

This is the campus in late November. Note the amazing lack of snow, now understand that snow has not remained on the ground for more than a couple days and it is February. This is very odd when dealing with the Midwest.

This is literally what it looked like Yesterday, and then the sun came out and melted everything.

The Greenhouse, I wish I could live there. I need greenery to keep sane in the horrible winters that seem to always last forever.

Dordt's Prairie.