Hats, Hats, Hats

This week I’ve been decently busy with papers and work evaluations, however; as usual one of my homework assignments gave me inspiration for the blog. The project was to create a hypothetical project researching the history of a certain piece of fashion. I started to wonder about the downfall of the hat. It has not been that long since every sensible person was not seen outside of their home without a hat on. Milliner was actually a word that was used in everyday language and the fedora was commonly seen. Since I am an admirer of hats (one of the reasons I have short hair is so I can wear my cloche) I’ve decided to put together a short photo history of hats. I ran across PoppycockVintage a hat shop on Etsy and fell in love with some of the hats I found. This is a photo history of some hats from 1910 to 1980 the one I am using for my header is a hat from the 1890’s and the lovely model is Ashely Webb the owner of the shop. Some of her hats remind me of a collection that one of my friends mothers let us use for a historical set play. I just loved the netting on my hat.

A totally awesome hat from 1910, made out of velvet with ostrich feathers.


A 1920's fur cloche. I wish I owned this one, I love cloches.

A hat from the 1930's I do not know what I think of all the feathers.

A hat from the 1940's. Looking at this woman I wish I had her hair, it reminds me of my little sister's so much.

This hat is from the 1950's. It reminds me of one I wore once.

A 1960's hat that reminds me of Peacock in Clue!

A 1970's Fedora that is almost Nancy Drew in style.

A 1980's hat that I also think should be in Clue.